Welcome to Santa Barbara Green Cuisine

Santa Barbara Green Cuisine is an organization whose goal is to encourage communities to eat locally and organically because choosing to eat locally and organically not only improves the quality of the produce, but it also gives back to the local economy and promotes global sustainability.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A new blog we were just made aware of....

As you know, we often reference the Organic Consumers Association.  Well, while perusing over their facebook page, we found this great blog!


Although it is not all about local produce and the benefits of "eating green and local" as we are, it does have some interesting things. Their latest post was about the said to be "organic" cosmetics we as consumers often buy.  I think this blog will be an interesting way to incorporate "organic" and maybe even local habits into areas of your life that don't involve the kitchen!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

New Photographs

Vittoria Cutbirth, a high school student, has become Santa Barbara Green Cuisine's new photographer! We just received a first batch of photographs of the local Saturday Farmer's Market and they are fantastic! We look forward to working with her and publishing some of her photographs! The photographs will be going in the new informational packet we will be distributing so keep an eye out for that!

Here is a sample of a few of her photographs!